So the only relevance the title of my blog has to anything is in the next line of that song it says "Here I am, stuck in the middle with you." I just feel like I'm in the middle of two awesome weekends with a week that is just a bit rough. A loose reference at best, but I'm a dork and I'm running on not a whole lot of sleep. Plus that song is in my head.
But yeah, this past weekend was great. Saturday I was able to spend some time with Mary and her family, which was pretty cool since I don't get to see them all that often. It was family day, so her parents brought up their RV and tailgated and then watched the Bluffton game. I came too late for the food, but it was still a lot of fun.
Sunday was really cool because I went to the Cleveland Browns game with MCB (the campus activity board). About 30 people went and it was a lot of fun. We stopped at Hannah's (one of the people who planned it, she lives close to Cleveland) for lunch before getting to the stadium. The Brownies ended up winning in overtime over Seattle, so the stadium atmosphere was great.
I should take this time to mention that there was a low point to the weekend in which Notre Dame lost to Navy in triple overtime. Now you see, I have dealt with 7 other losses this year, so I've been able to deal with it somewhat. But the last time we lost to Navy JFK was still President, and we've played them every year since them. For those of you keeping score at home, that put us at 43 straight wins against them. Oh boy. Ok, I'm done writing about Notre Dame football. Well almost.
The reason next weekend is going to be so awesome is because I am going to see the Notre Dame vs. Air Force game! I have the best girlfriend ever who bought tickets to go see it! So I guess you could say I'm pretty excited about it.
But until then school is definately keeping me busy. It will get better after this week, but I had a test this morning at 8:00 and a group project for Corporate Strategy due Thursday. For some reason both of these are just kind of big psychologolical road blocks, so once they're done I'll be feeling better. Also tonight Student Senate is hosting our 2nd annual Feedback Night where students can come and get free coffee from Common Grounds (the local coffee shop uptown), hear what we as a Senate have been up to, and give us ideas on what else they would like to see happen this year. It'll be a long night from the time we set up at 8:45 to tear down around 11:00 or so, but it should be worth it.
Wow, I just realized this is pretty long. I'll stop now. Have a great day!
Until next time,
P.S. The picture is all of us in front of the stadium in Cleveland.
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