The senioritis has intensified, that's for sure. And to prove it, why don't you try beating this game on all three difficulties in 4 days? I think you'll find it's a pretty impressive feat that I have accomplished while putting off my homework until the wee hours of the morning.
This weekend was pretty fun though. Friday I went out with Slurp, Corey, and Jake to one of my Chinese restaurants in Findlay. Among other things on the buffet, they have peanut butter chicken, which I think is great. (Nobody else with me thought it sounded good, but I get it every time.) And then after a little "Man vs. Wild" marathon, my friends left to play basketball while I waited for one of my other friends who graduated but was staying with me for the night to come over. It was good to see him again and hang out for a while.
Saturday was pretty solid as I caught some college football before heading off to a Dayton Bombers hockey game with a bunch of other Bluffton students. MCB (Marbeck Center Board, our activity planning council on campus) sponsored it and drove us down. I went last year as well so I knew it would be a good time, but this year more of my friends could go. We even got on the big screen a couple times when we were going crazy cheering.

On Sunday, Corey, one of my friends, spoke during Sunday Morning Worship. It was a really cool message and it was neat to hear it from someone I'm pretty close to.
After lunch, Mary and I had a Christmas date. She loves everything about Christmas, so we started out making and decorating cookies. Then we delivered them to people on my floor and some of our friends in other buildings. After the cookie delivering, we went Common Grounds (a coffee shop uptown) and had supper and hot chocolate and chatted for quite a while. I love good conversation and finding out new things about people, and it's extra special when it comes to finding out these things about Mary. After getting back we watched "Elf", which we both really like. It was a great way to end the weekend.

Technically the weekend wasn't quite over though because I still had to write a paper. I really impressed myself though because I wrote a three page, single spaced paper in an hour. I'm a decent writer, and I've thrown together some quick papers in my day, but this one made me realize how all those late night last minute papers have paid off now.
Well, I should get to bed. Until next time,
P.S. The first picture is of part of our group on the big screen at the Bombers game (it's easier to see when it's bigger). The second is of D-Ron and Jake in my room last week working on homework.
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