After a great Christmas break, I am back in action here at Bluffton! It's been a little rough getting motivated after doing what I wanted (which was nothing) for over three weeks, but I'm getting by.
But as I alluded to above, it was an awesome break. Getting to spend some time with my family and friends from home was good. My friends from high school have stayed pretty close even through college, so it's always fun when we get together. We played a lot of Eurorails (a board game that people who aren't boring probably have never heard of) and watched some Planet Earth (the show from the Discovery Channel) and ate too much good food. Yep, great times.
The picture at the top has a pretty sweet story to it, or at least I think so. From left to right it goes Tony, Doug, Bob, me, Eric, Josh, and Tim. All of those guys are my friends from home except for Bob, who was a starting offensive lineman for Notre Dame last year! We were at Josh's house around the South Bend area for New Year's and he's friends with him. It was crazy because I had no idea he knew him and it was awesome to get to meet him. I'm am a huge Notre Dame fan, so it was definitely a high point of the night.
I also got to spend quite of bit of time with Mary and her family. Her family got together the weekend before Christmas, and then we went to visit her extended family in St. Louis the following weekend. She came on Christmas to my house and got to hang out with my cousins and I, which was a lot of fun. This was our first holiday season together, so it was really a lot of fun.
Enough about break though. The new semester is upon us and I am excited! It should be a pretty cool semester since I am only taking two classes. With the rest of my academic load I am doing an internship at a bank about 10 minutes away, which should be some great real world experience. I was there yesterday for the first time and I think it should be fun.
It's crazy to think that it will only be a few more months before I am out in the world on my own. I'm very excited, but at the same time I am a little nervous about the whole job/apartment search. I'll keep you posted on how it's going.
Alright, that's all for now. If this post seems a bit random and unorganized, it's because I'm still trying to get back into college mode where I have to make sense when I write. I'm not sure that last sentence made sense. Ok, I'm done now.
Until next time,
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