Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

What a week so far! It has been nice because it hasn't felt so busy. Plus, we've had quite a bit of snow and my friends and I have taken advantage of it by making a snowman, sledding and snowboarding. It's weird because sometimes growing up people try to act so cool and grown up and then when you get to college something happens that makes you wanna be a little kid again.

Tonight we were out for the second time this week and we spent a couple hours snowboarding down a hill by Sauder Visual Arts Center. It's not a huge hill, but big enough that I'm unable to stay on a snowboard. We decided part of my problem is that I have such big feet (size 14 shoes) and so my heels touch the ground instead of staying on the board. So we got the bright idea that I should stand on the plastic sled and use that as a sort of snowboard. And now I'm in pain. I got going pretty fast on that thing and then landed right on my shoulder. The other guys said it was one of the coolest wipe outs they had seen so far that night though, so that was some consolation at least. But I was definitely on the ground for a little while, and my first thought was "I wander if I broke something." It's gonna be sore in the morning.

I just realized that I never talked about Tony Campolo (see my last post where I mention my world getting rocked). Anyway, if you've never had the chance to read anything by him or hear him speak, I definitely recommend you check him out. He is an incredible speaker who really challenges you.

But hearing him speak last week really shook me up. He was brought in for our Spring Spiritual Life Week, so that was kind of the point I suppose. He talked a lot about how we are so wrapped up in our earthly comforts and things that we don't even care about things like kids dying of starvation or the AIDS epidemic. It hit me because lately I've been so excited about the job search and finding a good paying job so that I can pay off my loans and save up money that I have been only focused on myself. God definitely showed me through Tony's message and also some Bible verses later that night that I'm gonna be ok, but that I need to refocus on the types of things that I should be focused on. This doesn't mean that I'm going to be a missionary in some third world country (who knows though), but what it does mean is that my options need to be broadened and I need to seriously considering what it is God would have me do with my life.

So yeah, I've been doing a lot of thinking the past week and I'm not sure what I'll be doing next year. Who knows, it might be finding some job and volunteering some time helping out at a homeless shelter or something like that. Or it might mean a year of service in some other area that needs help. I really don't know, but it's been at the forefront of my mind lately, and I don't think it's going to go away.

I feel like I've covered a lot of ground in this post and the different themes might not fit together as well as you would like, so let me sum up the points that I was trying to get across in my stories. First of all, don't be afraid to just go and have fun. Sure, you might be a little sore later, but it's worth it. Secondly, be thinking about the path you want your life to take and be open to changing your focus. God has a way of shaking up plans sometimes, so it helps to keep an open mind and be ready to adjust.

It's late and I'm tired. Good night.

Until next time,


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