On Friday, as I always do, I spent a lot of quality time with Mary. Friday afternoons are normally the highlight of my week for this reason. Then, later on that night, one of the groups on campus held a rootbeer keg party in Bob's Place. It was so much fun to just hang out with a lot of my friends and act goofy doing crazy dance moves and whatnot. But the best part of the night was when I won a brand new iPod Nano! There was a drawing and my name was called, and myself and another guy were quizzed on the dangers of alcohol. I was the first to correctly answer one of the questions, so I won. I've never owned an iPod before so I was pretty excited.
Saturday was a lot of fun as well. As is usual, I watched Notre Dame get beat. But then, I was able to spend some time with two of my favorite people in the world- Annie and Carrie. They are twins and I got to know them during the fall semester of my sophomore year when we were in Northern Ireland. We became very close during the 3 and a 1/2 months we were there and we were able to help each other get through some of the tougher parts of the experience. Anyway, the three of us went to Common Grounds (a local coffee shop) and just talked for an hour or so. It's always good to catch up.
Then on Saturday night Mary and I went out for dinner and a movie. It was awesome. First of all, the Red Pig Inn in Findlay is one of my new favorite restaurants (I'd never been there before but if you're in the area, you need to go there- I suggest trying the ribs). Secondly, the movie 3:10 to Yuma is one of my new favorite movies. So good. In-between dinner and the movie (we had a lot of time between), as well as after the movie, we just had a lot of fun talking about a variety of topics. I honestly don't know how we get on some of the topics we do, but it's always a good time.
Today I went to Sunday Morning Worship here on campus, which was good. The subject this week was about building our relationship with God. Always a good thing to talk about. I don't think we should ever stop in that pursuit, so it's good to be encouraged in that direction.
In the afternoon I started out strong reading for this paper that I'm currently putting off. I read a couple chapters and then took a short break, or so I thought. Of course once I checked football scores, I thought that it wouldn't hurt to watch for a couple minutes longer. And then tonight we had what is called Fall Festival in preparation for Spiritual Life Week this coming week. Many of the clubs on campus have a booth where students can come and do all sorts of fun fall-themed activities. For Student Senate, we had a cookie decorating booth. Several girls baked close to 300 cookies yesterday and then made icing today for people to decorate with. The end result was a lot of fun for the students who stopped by.

So this is where I am now. I did end up setting up my fish tank tonight while I was procrastinating, which is nice to get out of the way. But along with my paper, I've got some odds and ends that need finished for tomorrow, so I'm prepping myself for an all-nighter that may very well happen.
I hope you get more sleep than I do.
Until next time,
P.S. The girl in the top picture is my friend Carrie, decorating a cookie at the Student Senate booth at the Fall Festival.