Tomorrow is my first exam of the year for my Money and Banking class and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm not overly worried, but I just feel like I'm not prepared. It's probably just the fact that I am still adjusting back into class/study/exam mode to be honest. Since it's hard for me to feel motivated late at night, I am going to get up early and go to breakfast and study a bit before my exam. The only downside is that my exam is at 8:00, so I'm gonna have to go pretty early. Oh well, I'll catch up on sleep later I suppose.
So this weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night I didn't do a whole lot, but it was relaxing. I watched several episodes of Scrubs, which just happens to be the best show ever created. Seriously. And then Mary came over and we had a nice chat and we went on a walk. It was just nice.
Saturday was good too. Mary had let me know that she was planning a surprise date over lunch for me, which turned out to be my favorite meal (sloppy joes and mac & cheese in case you're curious, mmmboy) and games. It was a lot of fun, and kudos to Mary because she even e-mailed my sister to find out how my mom makes sloppy joes (because that's my favorite). And then I proceeded to dominate in Yahtzee. I mean, it was ugly. After that, Mary watched the first half of the Notre Dame game with me for the first time. It was actually quite brave of her because I can get somewhat violent during Irish games. (My remote has never been the same since the first game of the season.) But I did really well this game, and it was neat to watch it with her. I like to be able to explain football to people who aren't as familiar with it.
That night I didn't do too much because I was on duty so I couldn't leave the building. Mary came over later and we got ambitious and rearranged my room. I think I like it this way. And I got inspired to get my fish tank up and running again. I had it up last year, but I just never set it up yet this year. I'll keep you posted on my fish endeavors. (I'm not entirely certain I spelled that correctly. I'm over it.)
Sunday was solid as well. Lots of football with some Mary time sprinkled in (I spend a lot of time with Mary, huh?) makes for a great day. Most of my friends were gone for random things, so I didn't get to see them this weekend, which was a bit of a bummer. But all in all, it was a good day. Except for Sunday night event night, which didn't happen due to lack of participation. Although it pains me to say it, I feel as if Sunday night even night is dying. Or dead already.
Today was another pretty good day. On Mondays, the only class I have is at 6:30 at night. This gives me a lot of time to work with, which is nice, but it is a challenge to make the most of it. Usually what ends up happening is I work on the agenda for the Student Senate meeting (meetings are every Monday night at 9:30) and just figure out what we're gonna talk about there. I always say I'm gonna do homework too, but that usually gets pushed back to a late night/early morning time later on. But Senate went well tonight and we had some good discussion, so that's always exciting.
So now that I basically gave you the play-by-play of my life for the past couple days, I'm gonna stop writing. But if you made it through all that, God bless you. And as promised, I took pictures tonight! (see above)
The picture on the left is of Slurp and Corey making a collage for one of their classes. Well, it kind of is. Slurp is apparently cutting Corey's hair, and Corey is terrified or something.
The other picture is my study-buddy Beth. She is a fellow Business major who I have spent countless hours studying with over the years. She is also in Money and Banking so we studied tonight for our exam.
That's all I got for you fine folks tonight.
Until next time,
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