As I'm writing this, I can't help but notice how hot it is in my room. I just thought you might like to know.
Today for the most part was a pretty good day. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my busy days with classes (I have three both days) but they all went well. In my last class, Corporate Strategy, I had to give a presentation with another person. I really enjoy doing that kind of stuff actually. This class is the highest level Business class for Bluffton Business majors so even though it's somewhat challenging, it's a lot of fun. While most of the general education classes might have 30 or so people in a class, once you get to your upper level major classes there are less people which makes for better discussion.
I also found out that I'm on Homecoming Court this week, which was neat. My girlfriend, Mary, is also on it which is super cool. The whole group of people on the court is a fun group so it should make for a fun couple of days next month.
Tonight hasn't been overly excited as I've been in my room all night. I might have gone to Open Mic Night down in Bob's Place, but Thursday nights are my night on duty. As an RA (resident advisor) I am responsible for one night a week and every 5th weekend to just be around the hall and make sure everything is in order. It's not bad, it's just sometimes a bit boring if there's other things going on somewhere else on campus. But some of my friends have stopped by throughout the night to keep me company, which has been nice.
I'm looking forward to this weekend (as I do all weekends) for sure. I'm excited because as always, football is on all day Saturday and Sunday! That's just a given every weekend, but I'm also excited because Mary is planning some sort of Saturday afternoon date, which is some sort of surprise apparently (but she promises that I'll be back in time for the 3:30 kickoff between Notre Dame and Michigan State). So, that's exciting to me.
I also might be going to Fort Wayne Saturday night, but that's still up in the air. And then Sunday is always the best night of the week with Sunday Night Event Night, or SNEN. (Actually, to be honest that was the first time I've ever used that acronym. You should feel special that you were there for the first time.)
I feel like this is getting out of control and that I should stop for the night.
Until next time,
P.S. I promised to take pictures this week, but there just haven't been any good opportunities to. But in order to not leave you empty-handed for the third straight post, here's a picture of me with my best friend Eric (who I will no doubt refer to many times over the course of my blogging) last spring. We really should have planned to both be smiling or both be game-faced, but we roll with it anyway.

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