Yesterday's (Wednesday) event was a pep rally. I wasn't able to go, but I do know a lot of peopel got free water bottles and shirts and whatnot. So I missed out.
But like I said, the best part was tonight. We had a guy named Christopher Carter come in and do a show. Honestly, it was one of the craziest things I have ever seen. He's a magician, but the coolest thing he did was a lot of freaky mind stuff where he seemingly read people's minds. It was kind of cool because at the beginning he kind of explained how he doesn't read minds, he reads people. And from then on did some of the craziest things I have ever seen. I was involved somewhat, as he was blindfolded and he asked a student to go and collect items from people. I gave my student ID and without touching it he was able to tell what it was and even my name. But the thing that got me was that before I pulled my ID out of my wallet, I thought about giving my license instead. He even announced that I had done that as well. I was a little shocked. You probably just had to be there, but trust me, it was crazy.
It's not letting me embed it in here for some reason, but here is a video of him I found on YouTube. He did this trick tonight at Bluffton as well.
I'm excited about the rest of the weekend as well. Tomorrow is the parade, which means I get to drive a sweet convertible. Hopefully it doesn't rain, and hopefully I'll get a cool picture or something. And then Saturday is the game. I'm pretty excited because since I'm on Homecoming court I get to wear my new tie I bought just for the occasion. I'm a dork like that, but I just really like getting new ties. Plus it's a purple tie, and that's just cool.
Well, it is getting past my bedtime. Not that I have anything to get up for since I have no Friday classes (life is rough sometimes...), but still. I'm tired. Goodnight.
Until next time,
Until next time,