Friday was fun because as usual I got to hang out with Mary. We didn't do anything crazy, but it's always a good time. Then that night was the Homecoming parade. The court was supposed to get to ride in these sweet 1950s convertibles which was going to be awesome. However, when Brian (another guy on court) and I went to pick them up, it started to sprinkle and looked like rain, so the owner had us put them away. So, I ended up driving a Ford Taurus through the parade since we had about half an hour to put together some vehicles. It was still fun though. Later that night I went to a campfire hosted by Mary and fam, which I'll let her explain in greater detail. But it was fun.
Also, my friend Dan stayed with me this weekend. He graduated last year but he's one of my close friends and he was back on campus seeing some other people. Since I was busy with a lot of Homecoming stuff, I didn't get to see him much, but we got to chat Friday and Saturday nights before we went to bed, which was fun.
Anyway, Saturday was the big day! It was really cool because my mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and great aunt came to the game and coronation. It was fun to get to spend some time with them since I don't get to see them very often. But one of the coolest things about Saturday was Mary getting Homecoming Queen! And one of my close friends, Zack, got Homecoming King. I was really excited for both of them. We all had fun just being on Homecoming court, and even though it was really windy, we got a couple good pictures.

Saturday night was a blast as well. Once again I'll let Mary explain it in more detail, but the Homecoming dance theme was a toga party. It was awesome.
Then on Sunday, I finished up Mary's birthday present. I arranged some pictures into a frame and gave it to her (along with some slippers that I gave her a couple days ago). Overall I think it turned out neat. Since we are both so busy during the week, we went out that night for her birthday, which was actually on Monday. We went out to eat, which was fun. The best part though was the surprise birthday party waiting for her when we got back. I talked to a couple of her friends and we decided it would be a lot of fun to surprise her for her birthday a week or two ago. So we decided on a time and games and everything and then I just had to stall her until 8:30. She was super surprised and I think she really liked it. Everyone there (over 20 people showed up) seemed to have fun and so I think we chalked it up as a success.
So like I said, good weekend. Today was alright I suppose, but let's be honest: weekends are where it's at. It should be an alright week, but I'd be surprised if it lived up to this past weekend.
That's all for tonight. Until next time,
P.S. The top picture is of Kyle, Eric, Zack (the Homecoming King), and myself during the football game. The second is Mary and Zack just after being announced king and queen.
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