This past Friday night I was at a costume party out at Bluffton's cabin in the nature preserve. One of my friends, Corey, and another girl were having a party because both their birthdays are this week. It turned out to be a lot of fun and even though I didn't dress up (I'm lame), there were a lot of fun people there who did. We played a little euchre and just talked and ate a lot of good food.

Then on Saturday I got up early to help out with an open house the basketball team was having. Registration began around 8:15 so I had to get up by 7:30, which on a Saturday is just brutal. But I survived and then gave a tour at around 11:30 as well. I really enjoy taking prospective students and their families on tours of campus because it gives me an opportunity to share about the place where I've spent so much time for going on 4 years. I really do love this place and I like to help other people find if this is a good fit for them as well.
Saturday afternoon Slurpy and I went to Corey's house near Archibold, OH. Corey and Jake had left earlier, so we met them there. Every year Corey's family has a fall get-together with all his cousins and aunts and uncles, so we went on a hay ride, cooked hot dogs over the fire, and watched football. After his extended family left, we were able to hang out in the hot tub and watch more football. Yeah, I guess you could say it was just about perfect. We stayed until mid afternoon on Sunday before coming back. But it was a lot of fun to just hang out with the guys away from campus for a day.
Sunday night the Hall Association for Ramseyer (where I live) put on an ice-cream social with card games and prizes and stuff. I ended up winning a gift certificate to a local pizza place for getting 2nd place in the euchre tournament, so it was a pretty good night for me. It was a blast just getting to hang out with a lot of people that showed up. We ended up watching Scrubs then in the lobby as the card games started to die down. Once again, I'm not sure it could've got much better.

Today was back to the normal everyday grind. I've just decided that no matter how good a Monday starts out, there is just some sort of psychological barrier in place in my mind that automatically wears me out. Today started out great, but for some reason by the end of the day I just feel like I already need a weekend again. Although I did get good news from my night class, Sales, which helped. A group project we were going to be doing got cancelled, and instead we will each be giving individual presentations in which we can try to sell any product. I decided I'm going to act as if I'm a recruiter for Notre Dame football. Dorky, yes, but it's something I'm passionate about and I feel as if it will really give me a chance to show I know something about sales. We'll see how it goes, but I'm actually really looking forward to presenting.
Well, I've got to be at class in 7 hours, so I should probably get to bed. Until next time...
P.S. Top picture is Jake and I at Corey's house, next is Corey (who normally doesn't have facial hair like that but did so for his cowboy costume Friday night), and last but not least is Slurpy just a few seconds after I discovered the black and white feature on my camera.
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