I would go home tomorrow probably, but since I'm an Resident Advisor I have to stick around to be on duty for the building since there will be some residents still here. I'll get to go home Sunday though, and I'll probably stay until Tuesday. I'm pretty excited too because on Sunday my extended family is coming over to my house for a little get-together. I normally wouldn't think it was as cool as I do now, but I really haven't seen my family all that much lately. I haven't been home since I got to school (almost 2 months) and I was gone all summer at an internship in New Mexico. So, since May, the only time I've spent at my house was the week between when I got home from my internship until I came back to school. Kinda crazy to think about.
In other news, today was a pretty good day. It started off when I slept through my first two classes (bad that I missed them, good in that I felt well rested at least). But I woke up in time for chapel, which was good. And then I had a presentation to give in my Corporate Strategy class, which I really enjoy doing. After that, I had my once every three week meeting with Bluffton University's president. President Harder and I meet in my role as Student Senate President to talk and just make sure the students and faculty/staff/administration are all on the same page and doing well. I always enjoy these meetings as President Harder is a super nice guy who is fun to talk with.
Then, a little later in the afternoon, Ramseyer (the building I live in) staff had a staff bonding activity. We drove to Findlay for some ice-cream at a place called Dietsch's. It is a really great ice-cream place where they make all their own products- ice-cream, chocolate, candy, etc. You should check it out if you're ever in the area. Since we were in Findlay, myself and two of the RAs in my building, Trevor and Nate, went to a pet store and I finally bought a new fish! I was pretty excited about it. Although now I'm just hoping I didn't get one that will get too big. According to what I've read on the internet since I got back, it will. So, I might have to find someone with a bigger tank eventually to take it from me. I'll keep you posted on any developments there, of course. (As you can see, he's kind of camera-shy)

That's all for tonight folks. Say hello to my new friend. Mary is working on a name for him (we're assuming it's a guy I guess), but until then, he's nameless.
Until next time,
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